

An experienced team

Over the years, we have seen that some owners assume the entire maintenance of their boat. There still are many who ask for an expert to handle those kinds of details. Did you know our team includes experienced professionals for all the aspects of boat maintenance?

They provide the necessary repairs or adjustments, ensuring the optimal functioning of the many components of your boat. All specialized in boat mechanical, you can trust them for every concern.

A 360° maintenance

The aesthetic aspects of your boat should matter as much as the mechanical aspects. Indeed, some aesthetic components play a major role in the optimal state of a boat. With helpful and experienced resources, we take care of essential details of our customers’ boat surfaces. As soon a flaw occurs, do not hesitate to ask for expert advice.

We offer maintenance of every kind of material, including fibreglass. From this type of maintenance to the engine-mechanical repairs, we remain accessible and attentive to your various needs. In case you already take good care of your boat, do not forget that we have a large inventory of parts and products at the shop! Visit us to find out about the latest products available on the market. We have responsible solutions at competitive prices!

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